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Honored to introduce Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg, after his filing in New Hampshire

On October 30, 2019, I was honored to introduce Pete Buttigieg to a amazing crowd of supporters at the New Hampshire State House in Concord. Pete had just filed is candidacy for President with the New Hampshire Secretary of State.

My introduction:

Welcome, everyone— and I want to thank you all for being here today to take part in history.

My name is Eli Rivera. I am so proud and humbled to witness this historical and monumental moment right here in the great state of New Hampshire - with Pete Buttigieg officially filing for the first-in-the Nation Presidential Primary.

Whenever our nation has been faced with great challenges — even greater leaders have emerged to lead us - just like our country took a chance on a young Senator from Illinois in 2007 named Barack Obama - who carried with him a message of hope and change that inspired us all.

Today, we have another new emerging leader in our sights - with the passion, values, commitment to unify our country, and become the nation's 46th President. And that leader is Pete Buttigieg!

Like me, Pete served in our nation’s military -- so he understands the power of service to bring people together around a shared purpose and understands what it is to serve our country.

That’s’ why he is calling on A New Call to Service, offering our young adults an opportunity - to serve their country and give them a sense of purpose that far too many are missing.

As the only Hispanic Sheriff in the state, I thank Pete Buttigieg for how he talks about inclusion and creating a sense of belonging for everyone. Pete understands that serving our country means treating everyone with respect, compassion, and dignity, regardless of who they are or where they are in life’s journey.

For these reasons - and so many more, I am proud to have endorsed Pete Buttigieg for President. With Pete, we have a chance to unite our country around our shared values and work together to overcome our most significant challenges.

Please join me in welcoming our next President of the United States, Pete Buttigieg!

Thank you to everyone who came out to support Pete during his filing for President

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