Welcome Deputy Forest

The Cheshire County Sheriff’s Office welcomes new deputy to its force. Deputy Forest, a twelve-week Golden Retriever puppy, was born after his mother was rescued/seized during animal neglect and cruelty case in Bradford, NH. More than 100 dogs were taken from a home by the Bradford Police Department during the investigation. The puppy was offered to the Sheriff’s Office by the Pope Memorial SPCA of Concord, NH in Merrimack County, one of the sites taking care of the seized dogs. The puppy “Deputy Forest” will serve our community, and county staff as a Comfort Dog, and his primary duties include visiting schools, the courts, public events, and interacting with kids and adults of all ages. The interactions have been positive, both by adults and kids that have already met Deputy Forest.
We have been very grateful for the support and donations by local businesses in support of Deputy Forest. Upon completion of his training, Deputy Forest will be assigned as the Sheriff’s Office Community Outreach Deputy.