One hundred fifty-eight

One hundred and fifty-eight police officers took their own lives in 2018. Why is this happening? What drives a police officer to commit such an act? I will never know. As Sheriff, I need to make sure the well being of my deputies and staff becomes my priority and that I provide them with the resources necessary to ensure they are taken care of.
As I research this phenomenon, learn about the contributing factors and what I can do as an Executive for my staff, I am pledging that in 2019 I will run, hike, or ruck 158 miles to honor those that have succumbed to the stresses of the job and taken their lives. Ipromise to become healthier, both physically and mentally while bringing awareness to police suicide.
We need to be able to seek help, when help is needed, by reaching out to Employee Assistance Programs, Peer-support, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Teams, etc... and not try to deal with the stresses of the job alone.
Don't be afraid to seek help.